Apple Cider Vinegar
By now I’m guessing you’ve heard about Apple Cider Vinegar, and if you haven’t then you must have been living under a rock.

ACV is made from aged apples that are crushed and fermented.
So what is so special about this product? I mean, it’s still vinegar, why are people raving about it? Well, the answer is really simple, the list of benefits seem endless really, from reducing cholesterol, lowering blood sugar level, improving symptoms of diabetes to aiding with weight loss, you could even call this a super food – though it technically hasn’t earned that title. Yet!
For this blog post I’m going to focus on a few of the main benefits
Detox – ACV helps your body to reach a natural alkaline pH level. It’s FULL of vitamins and minerals that can cleanse your liver and your intestines. The best part is that it can really aid in digestion, help with fighting that bloat and weight loss *
A great recipe to try out:
2 Tbsp of ACV 1 cup of filtered water – you can do this hot or cold add a sprinkle of turmeric or a dash of cinnamon
remember that it is still vinegar so its a good idea to make sure you are brushing your teeth right after or you can drink through a straw
Healthy Glow
2. Give your skin that healthy glow – ACV can be used as a toner because of all its anti-bacterial benefits, it will actually help clean and heal the skins surface which makes it a great treatment for acne prone skin. If you are worried about the smell, don’t be it evaporates really quickly.
Help with colds
3. Immunity – ACV is great for helping to ward off colds or limit a cold’s hold on you. The following recipe is my go to:
2 tbsp of ACV Juice of one whole lemon 1 -2 tsp of raw honey (according to taste) Fresh Ginger – boil and use the water as the base Dash of cayenne pepper Dash of cinnamon
Cut the fresh ginger into small pieces and boil in water for at least 10 minutes. While the ginger is boiling mix the ACV with the honey, cayenne and cinnamon and once the ginger is done pour the water over the mixture and enjoy.
When You are Buying

There are a few options out there for Apple Cider Vinegar but you want to make sure that you are buying it raw and unfiltered. And the label clearly states “With The Mother”. This is my brand of choice: Bragg. It is certified organic, rich in enzymes and potassium, promotes digestive wellness and pH balance and it supports a healthy immune system.
*Supports weight loss as part of a healthy balanced diet*
The information in this post is not intended for treatment or prevention of disease, nor is it a substitute for medical treatment or advise.
This post is not sponsored in any way. I am not affiliated with any brand mentioned.