Are You Eating Enough Veggies?

Be honest, do you eat enough color? Do you know why vegetables are so good for us? Or, are vegetables just a terrible reminder from your childhood when you couldn't go out to your friends unless you ate ALL your broccoli?
Truth be told, you are probably not alone in that. In fact I'd wager that most people would have similar experiences with eating their veggies. I know for myself it took me a long time to come around to them. then once I did I found all I needed to do was find ways to cook them that made them more appealing! it really was as simple as that.
The purpose of today's post is to drive home some of the main reasons why you should be consuming more vegetables. I'm not here to preach this to you - as I'm sure you are already well aware of just how important the nutrients we get from vegetables are, so lets take a look at the benefits:

The nutrients in vegetables are vital for the health and maintenance of your body.
eating a diet rich in the colorful stuff may help reduce your risk of stroke, cancer, heart disease and type-2 diabetes
The (updated) recommended daily intake of vegetables is between 5-7 servings. That may sound like a lot if you are new to it, so simply just aim for 2 first. And don't be afraid to experiment; try that seasonal item that you've only heard about on cookery shows, you might find a new favorite.
Benefit Number 1 - Antioxidants
Vegetables provide a whole array of antioxidants, and if you are a frequent reader of my blog you'll know I love antioxidants. These beauties help to protect the body from oxidation damage on a cellular level. We are surrounded daily by toxic substances, the environment alone is riddled with it. When you think about it like that you understand the bodies need for antioxidants.
Antioxidants have many more benefits, they can help to improve blood sugar in people at risk of diabetes and heart disease. Antioxidants can help boost immunity to help prevent infections and diseases.
Benefit Number 2 - Fiber
Vegetables are abundant in soluble AND insoluble dietary fiber, eating fiber rich foods keep your digestive system clean and healthy helping you avoid problems like constipation, bowel irregularity and diarrhea. Fiber also helps you to feel fuller for longer and in that aspect can aid in weight loss.
Benefit Number 3 - Hydration Baby
Vegetables are an excellent source of water and are really good and helping keep the body hydrated ** alone with your water drinking - see previous post **
Benefit Number 4 - Vitamins and Minerals
Eating a wide variety of vegetables regularly means you'll be fueling your body with all the right vitamins and minerals it needs for healthy functioning. The goal should be to always have a colorful plate!
Benefit Number 5 - Weight Loss
There's not denying it, you get a lot of bang for your buck here. Vegetables are very low in calorie and its next to impossible to overeat veggies. Having and adequate intake will keep you feeling fuller for longer. Aim to have at least half of your plate as vegetables. And pro-tip: eat the veggies first.
Eating your veggies is hard, and sure they don't taste as good as say... Pizza but hear me out. They are so vital for our health and wellness that it's really important you find a way to get more into your day. Me? I chose to get extra servings by adding a couple of handfuls of spinach to my morning smoothie! It is that simple.
Now, go on... get you a colorful plate.
Disclaimer -
this information is not intended for treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment or advice. Please seek a licensed medical practitioner if you believe you are affected with anything mentioned in this post