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Common Mistakes That Slow Your Metabolism

The metabolism’s role in the body is to convert food to energy for the body to use. This is a complex biochemical process where calories in food and beverages are mixed with oxygen in order to release the energy our body needs to function.

Mistake no. 1 – Skipping breakfast

During sleep your metabolism slows down because you are essentially fasting. It won’t turn on again until you eat. Eating stimulates the metabolism. Now, eating just anything at all is what you DONT want to do. Aim for a balanced meal of protein, healthy fats and complex carbs. One thing to look out for is that you don’t load your first meal with anything thats overly processed or sugary.

Mistake No. 2 – You’re not eating right

Keeping your metabolism running is more than just eating, you need to be eating right (as in, the right kinds of foods) throughout the day . There are foods that help and foods that don’t. In other words you want foods that take a long time to metabolize, these will also keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Mistake No. 3 – You’re eating too little

When you restrict your calorie intake you hinder weight loss because lack of food (or fuel) slows down your metabolism.

Mistake No. 4 – You’re not getting exercise

the moment you start exercising your body’s need for fuel kicks in and because of this you metabolism kicks in too. Think of exercise as a supplement to a healthy diet. And remember, you cannot out train a bad diet.

Mistake No. 5 – You’re over doing it in the gym

On the flip side of not exercising enough there is actually such a thing as exercising too much or over-training. With over training the thyroid hormones begin to down regulate and this slows the metabolism. Even if you have a healthy thyroid this process will still start if you fall prey to the gym-bunny obsession. Remember to take adequate rest.

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