Why Is Protein After a Workout So Important?
So by now you are probably well aware of the body’s need for protein after your work out but have you ever really thought why you need it? Let’s take a look at it now
You’d be right in thinking that the fitness world is a minefield and is generally one full of controversy, so knowing what information is correct and what is just a fad is pretty tough going right? But there is one fact (for the most part) that is true, and should be maintained is that after every workout the body needs protein and as soon as possible.
I would generally recommend that protein be consumed within an hour of finishing your workout. So what are your post workout protein options? Well the easiest one is a protein powder (of choice) mixed with either water or almond milk, this is a great option if you are in a rush or just not that hungry. Or you use my Banana Berry Breakfast Smoothie recipe. If you are going to be eating within that hour window then make sure the meal is full of healthy proteins and vegetables or you can use natural Greek yogurt and some berries.
Why is it so important?
Protein is made up of amino acids which are mainly responsible for building muscle and muscle repair. Exercise (strength training in particular) is beneficial for building muscle, it does so by creating tiny tears to the existing muscle and for this reason the protein that we eat is to repair and rebuild the muscles after this damage is made. Simply put protein is needed to heal our muscles.
Now, you might be thinking what will happen if I don’t eat protein after a workout? Will it have a negative impact on my body? How will my body react?
When protein is not present the muscles are not able to fully repair and grow and this can lead to inflammation and an increased risk for injury. This inability to repair is the main cause, for many, injuries caused by overuse and lack of proper repair nutrients. There needs to be protein to support muscle and tendons and so, reduce inflammation.
The take home here is that eating protein post-workout is one thing you can do to minimize your risk of injury, aid recovery and keep the body as healthy as possible and that means keeping inflammation to an absolute minimum.
This information is not intended for treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment or medical advice. Please seek a licensed medical practitioner if you believe you are affected by anything mentioned in this post.